Plant led fire cooking -
The CHARR'D menu evolves with the season and whatever flavours are inspiring me at that point in time. It's a chance for me to play and create; I feel both these elements are so important in modern life, and I want to share the fruits of this exploration and journey, because that for me is what food is all about.
My intention of creating a plant led menu is that the most important parts of the menu are the plant ingredients. I will include non plant elements, such as dairy, eggs, honey, meat, fish, but these will only be from producers i'm on first name terms and whose processes and ethics I trust, or if i've been solely responsible for the wellbeing of the animals.
I feel this is a balanced way to eat, where plants are the focus, nutrient dense and organic, and if eating animal products then they are from the highest welfare standards and they are considered a treat rather than a daily necessity.
Will be popping up at the Brewery soon!! To find out more get in touch or check our socials!